Todo 2025
This is a cleaned list to keep the overview what to do. I need to start some advertisement in order to promote the page. For that some things should be working. These are the tasks with the highest priority.
1. Update aftermath
- Category error
- If you open some pages like or there will appear a list of errors like "Unable to retrieve category and its descendants for category id: 359"
- Editor color
- If you open the editor there are no colors visible
- System error
- If I enter a word on page in the serach field of the tracker, a system error appears "Can't find FULLTEXT index matching the column list"
- Malfuction when editing pages
- When editing pages and storing the changes on many page will appear an error "site doesn't function". This happened last on where it took extremly long to store the page.
- CSS page Top
1. The distance between the top bar and the title should be a bit larger (see screenshot)
2. The top bar should end with a small dark grey line like in the screenshot
- CSS page Bottom
- The text on the 2nd line of the page bottom under "Hinweise und Fußnoten" starting with "Bearbeitungsstand " is not justified to the edge lefthand. There is a space between the edge and the first letter. It should be looking like in the screenshot. This happens if the css code "margin§ will be switched off like in the screenshot.
- Calendar
- On page the following error appears "To view Tracker Calendar Tiki needs the latest npm-asset/fullcalendar-scheduler package. Use the Package Manager to install it here."
2. Preferences fixes and bad practice
I spotted a few things along the way about your preferences and fixed them.
Task: Preferences fixes and bad practice (email 13/04/2024)
Estimated: Emergency task
Spent: 30mn
Status : Completed
3. Fix mirroring on the Wiki-to-yes Gitlab repository
Since a few years we are using a Gitlab repository. It is used for the Tiki core files and the custom files. It is used to keep the website code safe, the versionning understandable and reversable and for easy updates and upgrades. For some reasons it has de-synchronized from the Tiki repository. I had to recreate the mirroring and setup to start working on the task: "Conditional visibility of registration form on Thank-you page". This is a must be done operation. (like emergency, unless you say differently, I suggest I complete these tasks without waiting for approval)
Task: Fix mirroring on the Wiki-to-yes Gitlab repository
Estimated: Emergency task
Spent: 15mn
Status : Completed
4. Regarding Google Search Console
"there was message from google that robot file wouldn’t allow google to index the page. Seems an urgent problem." (email 1/04/2024)
Task: Review Google Search Console At:
Estimated: 1h Approved (email 4/04/2024)
Spent: 1h15
Remarks: I have check and reset my access to your console.
Status : Completed
5. Regarding Premium access
I can manage to assign new users via Digistore to Registered group. They land on the thankyou page Danke where parameters will be given and included in the user's tracker. This is not perfect yet but might be improved later. What should be done quickly is:
5.1. Conditional visibility of registration form on Thank-you page
After buying premium access via digistore, the page "Danke" will be accessed using some parameters after the interogation sign like.[ORDER_ID]&Produkt=[PRODUCT_NAME]&Zahlung=[PAYPLAN_ID]&Vorname=[BUYER_FIRST_NAME]&Nachname=[BUYER_LAST_NAME]&Mail=[BUYER_EMAIL]
I like if the registration form is only visible if the page acces (Domain) contains the orderID parameter or if the call comes from Digistore. If no parameter is available we can assume the Page will not be accessed by a buyer. I want just an easy way to avoid that otehrs can use this page to register. I saw the parameters can be checked with a little Javascript. If parameters are missing (or domain doesn't come from Digistore) we can show an information that access is not possible and what to do to get access. Registration form should not be visible in that case.
Task: At, display another content if the call didn't come from digistore or if one parameter i.e. "Order" is empty.
Estimated: 5h (really its just a bit of Java isn't it)
Spent: 3h
Remarks: Please check Tiki Comment on the page and test as anonymous, logged and with missing parameters.
Status : To be tested, if the logic is ok it will be improved to allow more flexibility (editing).
5.2. Manage assignment to Premium group automatically
Testing if the field "tracker_field_usersOrderID" and "usersProductName" are not empty AND that the user as logged at least one time to set a LISTEXECUTE plugin to assign a registered user to the Tiki group "Premium". (the sample below doesn't work but gives an idea).
The listExecute page will not be included in any page and be used for test and for admin to view only, a scheduler script will make this happen automatically. This script will run every 10 minutes to start with.
I suggest that there is a notice: "Please allow 5 to 10mn delay for our team to validate your Premium membership" (in german) on any page you want but it look to me logical it is on the success page (is it the Danke page or is there on after ?).
{GROUP(notgroups="Premium")}Sie haben noch keinen Premiumzugang {LISTEXECUTE()} {filter field="tracker_id" content="1"} {filter type="trackeritem"} {filter field="tracker_field_usersBenutzername" content=""} {filter field="tracker_field_usersOrderID" content="NOT "} {OUTPUT()}{display name="tracker_field_usersOrderID"} {display name="tracker_field_usersUserId"} {OUTPUT} {ACTION(name="Assign user to group" group="Premium")} {step action="user_group_modify" user_field="tracker_field_usersBenutzername" operation="add"} {ACTION} {LISTEXECUTE} {ELSE}Sie haben den Premiumzugang. {LIST()} {filter field="tracker_id" content="1"} {filter type="trackeritem"} {filter field="tracker_field_usersBenutzername" content=""} {filter field="tracker_field_usersOrderID" content="NOT "} {OUTPUT()}{display name="tracker_field_usersOrderID"} UserID {display name="tracker_field_usersUserId"} {OUTPUT} {LIST} {GROUP}
The idea is to automatically shift user into Premium group.
Task: Manage assignment to Premium group automatically
Estimated: 4h (automation + tests)
Spent: 30mn
Status : GO
5.3. Prefill registration e-mail field
The "Danke-Page" will be accessed by digistore with some parameters. See the call below [ORDER_ID]&ProductID=[PRODUCT_ID]&ProductName=[PRODUCT_NAME]&Amount=[AMOUNT]&Currency=[CURRENCY]&Payplan=[PAYPLAN_ID]&billingstatus=[BILLING_STATUS]&FirstName=[BUYER_FIRST_NAME]&LastName=[BUYER_LAST_NAME]&Mail=[BUYER_EMAIL]&Invoice=[INVOICE_URL]
Task: Not possible
Spent: 30mn
Remarks: See email "Wikitoyes - Prefill registration e-mail field (Danke page)"
Status : Completed
5.4. Confirmation access via e-Mail
When the form on page Danke is completed, it would be good if user receives an e-mail about his new account (this is wanted by digistore) where iuser is informed about access data
Task: Unclear See my mail from 6th of April please subject Wikitoyes ToDo 2.3 Confirmation access via e-Mail
Status : Cancelled
5.5. Confirmation page
After the user fills the form, he will be fowarded to the confirmation page. The itemID should be a given parameter. See the code that is used in Danke below
{TRACKER(trackerId="1" fields="1001:1002:1004:176:3:2" action="Premiumzugang einrichten" newstatus="p" values=":::::" registration="y" chosenGroup="Registered" url="Completed?itemID")}{TRACKER}
On confirmation page no itemID arrives. Would be good to list items of user's tracker (where I assume itemID is given) here like "You created the account successfully Your username is XXX OrderID is XXX and some data of the user's trackeritem
Task: Unclear
Status : Cancelled
6. User management
6.1. contact form Mails are not sent
If I try to send a message via the contact page no mail arrives. I can see the message in But this doesn't help. It is important that mails arrive at my inbox.
6.2. Tracker access
I sometimes have to check user tracker since some users need help to fill the date and for other reasons. The problem is, that user tracker doesn't show the filter field to me. I cannot search for users even admin should be allowed to do. Can you make search in tracker possible for me (admins only?)
Task: Filtering and search for users in the tracker1
Spent: 15mn
Remarks: I tested and added filtering "search" field from the tracker "Fields" tab. Not you can also use the user list and from there "Edit item" (edit the user item)
Status : Completed
6.3. Userlink
On close to the bottom there is a user link. It should open the profikle directly like in the contributor's modul where you used {output(template="customContributors.tpl")}
7. SEO (Google)
Search is extremely important to make wiki to yes a valuable tool for users. It needs optimization, since the behaviour sometimes is weird.
7.1. Indexing
Google search sent a message that page is not indexed anymore.
Bernard: Google is sending a lot of "not relevant" messages especially when you tell him not to do something he shouldn't do. It is critical to identify what page is not indexed and if we want to have this page index by Google.
7.2. News
I think Google wants to know if there are news on the page. They will be here and Can you manage thet google accept these links as news?
Bernard: Are you talking about these pages being indexed in Google News ?
Unfortunatly, Google completely changed the method of having "News" published a few months ago. Before it was a webmaster action, now it is more like news are crawled by Google. This will require 2h studies and tests.
8. Searching on Wiki
8.1. Popups
You managed that hovering an entry i.e. on opens a popup showing the fields of the trackeritem selected. Now the popup mostly is too small. I have to scroll down. Then it is not easy to leave the popup again. Please make popups in a way that scrolling is not needed. (or leaving the popus works more easyly)
8.2. Popups and Footnotes
Popups in Customr search (i.e. here doesn't work It found out this has to do with footnotes. If there are footnotes in the text above popups will not appear. If I delete all the footnotes it works.
8.3. Search field entry behaviour
If I enter a word using the custom search like on, words will be found. But if I click on them to get them listed, it shwows no items found though the entry is available. Try "Caucus" Word ist found but not listed. If I add a space sign behind the word, it will be in the list.
8.4. Multiselect fields
This is an important feature for me.
Items where more than one entry is available in a multiselect field will not be listet. This was a bug Tiki wanted to repair. Is it done meanwhile?
I.e. here: If you chosse "Justiz" in dropdown field It shows no results though trackerentry is listed for both Justiz and Behörde.
8.5. Map
When listing data from a multi select field (i.e. field 1022 usersVerzeichnisse in tracker 1) locations were not found. See mails from 30.of December
8.6. Manticore???
My question is: I wonder if Mantiore is an alternative. If I seach something on the Tiki page I always get error messages. Search in full text seems not to work. Search is extremely urgent to make wiki to yes working correctly as it should. What do you think, shall we risk to update with Mantiore? I think an update is recommended anyway.
9. Articles
Please create a template for articles in reading mode where the picture width is 100% and the description fioeld (nect to the picture) is not shown in reading mode but in listing mode. This template should be an option next to the behaviour as it is now.
The look when reading articles should be like in the screenshot. Picture 100 % width, the field beneth the picture should be optional above below or invisible in reading mode. In listing mode it schould be visible as usual. The commands (links and button) above should be as buttons in a row below the artocle (lile on web pages)
10. Menu
10.1. enhancing the menu
The menu should include 3 easily to access icons (or commands like shop = Link to, sign-in = Link to and Login = Link to I suggest to create a double Header menu. A good example is the double menu of adobe For wiki it would be then: 1st line logo menu and 3 icons for shop, login and sign-in, 2nd line logho, big seacrh field and links for sign in and register.
10.2. Mobile phone
There is no search field (like in main menu) on mobile phone. Therefore it is impossible to find something on it
Question: Maybe it would be good to completely change the menu for all Devidces like or My advisors recommend to optoimize the menu generally in this way.
11. Wiki page look
In order to have an harmonized look I like the action button <t the bottom to be shown as Premium button in the same line like the other buttons.
12. Misc
12.1. listpages Plugin pagination
Maybe a bug: I use plugin listpages on If I set pagination to "y" teher will be shown a smaller list of pages but no chance to switch to next pages. Means there is no navigation to access next pages.
13. Google analytics
make Google analytics running please
14. Update
Update with Manticore
My question is: I wonder if Mantiore is an alternative. If I seach something on the Tiki page I always get error messages. Search in full text seems not to work. Search is extremely urgent to make wiki to yes working correctly as it should. What do you think, shall we risk to update with Mantiore? I think an update is recommended anyway.
15. Bug with Polls
Polls should not show results See description here and result here I want that people can apply the poll but schould not be able to see results or number aof votes automatically.
There also is a bug with surveys. See 00.test.survey Send button should be immediately behind or under the question. Is it possible to have that scale looking better?