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Anmeldung (Apply registration to a Mediations group)

This is the application page to access Wiki-to-Yes mediations.

Conditions to apply

In order to participate in a mediation there are some rules given by the law.

  1. You need to be conflict party (means you have an interest regarding the outcome. I.e. you are concerned in a way)
  2. You have another interest to participate as so called third person (i.e as observer, advocat and so on) This needs confirmation of all the conflict parties
  3. You need to clearly be identified
  4. You need to accept the medfiation contract

Please be aware that the mediation is not public. Access can be granted only to persons who are conflict parties or who are concerned (see 1. above)or who will be accepted by the group (see 2. above). When applying you will agree to the mediation contract (see 4. above). You can see the contract here:

To be able to join a Mediation you need to register and fill the form below or if you registered already please login.

Use your email address as your log-in name

Fields marked with an * are mandatory.