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Concept of the page

The plan is to make wiki to yes as well known as wikipedia. It right now is already the biggest think tank in mediation.

The idea behind

I am very professional in mediation affairs. I have been a judge and I studied psychology. Thus I do know how to deal with conflicts in a most effective way. I once developped a concept, called integrated mediation. Integrated mediation is a view on mediation where mediation becomes most effective. It empowers people to resolve highly escalated conflicts. It weven would be a way to get out of war. Unfortunatley even specuialists do not know that and how mediation is able for that. That's why Wiki to Yes wants to share this knowledge to everybody. This ie for peace making. This is leads into an altruistic usage. On the other hand professional mediators should be supported in doing mediation and the protal should be financed. This leads into a professsional level.

User and group management

For this reason we do have to offer mainly 2 different approaches

  1. to tell everybody how mediaton works in order to help them living in peace. This is to everybody including laymen => anonymours group
  2. to help professionals dealing with mediation professionally in order to help others the best way to manage conflicts => premium group

These are the main groups (registered users can be the same like premium users). Beyond that we need only access for staff => editor group and admins => Admins group. The professional users (actual premium users) will have to pay the access via digistore.

Question: Does it make things easier, if we declare registered users to be premium-users (registered and premium have the same permission)?

Look and feel

The different ways to use Wiki to Yes (as anonymous user with onle reading rights and professional users with more functionalites) should become visible intuitively. Good if we have two different forms

Anonymous user should see the page like this


Premium user should see the page like this

Blue line shows I am in the professional area.

Top page or header area should be visible only by click (maybe on the blue line) where the field fades in or out. Usually it is not visible.

Question: It would be eays for me to manage this effect via perspectives. If that aouldn't work what alternatives do we have? Its it possible to make the top between menu and 1st heading vidible only when I click a button? Other ideas? Mayxbe a button at the bottom of the page with the functionalites like poage action?

Wiki-page structure

Each page will be structured like follows:

  1. orientation where the page belongs to
  2. Picture on leading or landing pages
  3. Buttons for related pages
  4. Abstract (what is to be expected on a page)
  5. Directory of the page and buttons to main directory and next page
  6. Content of page
  7. Footer showing autors, footnotes and so on

The problem of this portal is to manage the huge content and complexity. For that reason the serach options are extremely important. If people learn that they find fitting answeres, they will use it. Search must be easy, constant (each search field works the same way i.e. as the search field in the main menu) and most effective. The more intelligent search works (word-combinations, sentences, dealing with synonyms and so on) the better it is.

Payable access

access to the professional users shopuld be payable. If premium users wilkl be identically with registered users the need to pay the access as well. Pament must be managed via digistore. VPN access.

Internet and SEO

If wiki to yes shoulöd grow like wikipedia it must be seen in internet. Everything should be found, articles, tracker items, wiki pages, forum posts. Articles are like news. Google should find them like that. Important: Google should find tracker items (many are important. Just the form might be improved later). Also important is to find articles. Tracker ID 75 on is a news tracker (google should treat it like that) same is with articles. Links should go on wiki pages not pdf's of them.


In order to steer the business we should know and learn who is accessing what and how. Therefore Wiki should go together with google alerts

Social Media

How to better combine with social media? Ideas?


Can be an add on also. Only registered (premium user) should get it. Ideas to generate them automatically?

After this all I will promote Wiki to Yes with a new release