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! Status Dashboard

Do you want to help?: Welcome! and read Welcome authors.
New to the new tagging system?: No problem (:wink:): Read on!

At, the "backlinks to index" method can be used to "mark" pages to indicate their status. This is a very simple and fast wiki-based method, using the PluginBacklinks. If you think a status tag should apply to a page, just link that page to the appropriate status tag page. A tag can represent a step in the documentation lifecycle status, or can simply be used to highlight pages on this site that need attention from authors.



Authors, please review the lists on this page and fix what you can! Please edit any of these pages and remove the status link if (in your opinion) the problem is resolved (or never existed).


Translators, please do not tag localised pages with the following tags. Taging the original version (in English) is enough, translations have the same status. You can create translation status tag for you langage thought if you wish



<br>Place a delete Tag on any page that you believe should be deleted, also giving the reason why. For example:<br>
This page should be deleted because it has been superseded by §fa26c50be115728c827e56b5e6c475d5§ .
<br>List of pages with the delete tag:<br>Plugin BackLinks fehlgeschlagen : Seite nicht gefunden : delete<br>
<br>If you think that you have found errors in the document (misleading or plain wrong information), place this tag at the point where the error was found, with an explanation of the error. For example:<br>
This page contain errors. The procedure for creating a tracker does not include setting group permissions
<br>List of pages with the errors tag:<br>Plugin BackLinks fehlgeschlagen : Seite nicht gefunden : errors<br>
<br>a user is looking for help with a specific documentation problem<br>The help tag is used to identify a feature or setting that requires more info from a developer or more experienced user. Place the tag at the point where help is needed.  If you are tagging an item inside a wiki table, place a tag in the table at the spot you need help and put a box underneath the table. For example:<br>
Upper Case Allowed?Allows upper case if checked<br>Superformat? I need help understanding what superformat does
I need help understanding what the superformat feature does.
<br>List of pages with the help tag:<br>Keine Seiten linken auf help

<br>The in progress tag indicate that the page or a paragraph is being edited heavily at the moment.<br>Write your name and the date next to this tag: Example:<br>
Work in progress (me, june 2013)
<br>List of pages with the in progress tag:<br>Plugin BackLinks fehlgeschlagen : Seite nicht gefunden : in progress<br>
<br>Place a merge tag in a page that you think is a duplicate of, or is too similar/complementary to another page. For example:<br>
This page should merge with §5b2c2aae0f8e6f1d615e1346e71f6061§
<br>List of pages with the merge tag:<br>Plugin BackLinks fehlgeschlagen : Seite nicht gefunden : merge<br>
<br>The move tag is for pages that should be moved to another Tiki site.<br>List of pages with the move tag:<br>Plugin BackLinks fehlgeschlagen : Seite nicht gefunden : move<br>
<br>This Tag is used many times in the Documentation Lifecycle:<br>*After new documentation is created<br>*After screenshots have been added or replaced<br>*After errors have been corrected<br>*After refactoring <br>In short, after every major edit the document should go back to needs review status.  Please give a brief description of what was changed to save the review editor the time of digging through page history. Examples:<br>
This is new documentation that needs review.
I've added a screenshot of the newsreader admin page that needs review
The permissions setup section has been re-written and needs review
<br>List of pages with the needs review tag:<br>Plugin BackLinks fehlgeschlagen : Seite nicht gefunden : needs review<br>
<br>The obsolete tag indicate that a page's content has to be renewed. Example:<br>
This page is obsolete since Tiki X
<br>List of pages with the obsolete tag:<br>Plugin BackLinks fehlgeschlagen : Seite nicht gefunden : obsolete<br>
<br>the page needs to be re-organized, possibly using a documentation template<br>The refactor Tag is a request to make substantial changes to a page.  It should be placed at the top of the page.  The Tag should include the reasons why the change is needed.  Examples:<br>
Please add this page to the refactor list.  The feature was completely rewritten for version 2.0 and there are several new permissions that need to be included
Please refactor. This page needs to be re-organized using one of the documentation templates
<br>List of pages with the refactor tag:<br>Plugin BackLinks fehlgeschlagen : Seite nicht gefunden : refactor<br>
<br>The screenshot Tag is a request for adding missing or replacing obsolete screenshot(s). It should be placed at the point where change is needed and contain an explanation. For example:<br>
The screenshot of the admin panel should be replaced because we have new icons in version x
<br>List of pages with the screenshot tag:<br>Plugin BackLinks fehlgeschlagen : Seite nicht gefunden : screenshot<br>
<br>The stub Tag is placed at the top of an otherwise empty page, it should always invite participation to complete it with a link to the Welcome Authors page, like this:<br>
This page is a stub.  You can help fill it in!.
<br>List of pages with the stub tag:<br>Plugin BackLinks fehlgeschlagen : Seite nicht gefunden : stub<br>
<br>The structure ready tag is a request to add a page to a structure, so it will be included in table of contents and PDF's created from those structures.  When you use this tag,  please place it at the top of the page and indicate which structure the page should be added to, like this:<br>
This page is structure ready, it should be added to the main documentation structure.
 <br>List of pages with the structure ready tag:<br>Plugin BackLinks fehlgeschlagen : Seite nicht gefunden : structure ready<br>
<br>can be combined with any of the above, indicating well, um urgency <br>If you feel a page needs to be worked on ahead of others, you can Tag it as urgent.  Valid reasons for using urgent would be highly used page with errors,  key new feature, security info, etc.   There's no guarantee the other editors will share your sense of urgency,  so it's best to edit the page yourself. An urgent Tag can be combined with any of the other tags and should be placed at the top of the page. For example:<br>
Many users are asking this question in IRC.  Updating this page is an urgent requirement. Please help
<br>List of pages with the urgent tag:<br>Plugin BackLinks fehlgeschlagen : Seite nicht gefunden : urgent<br>


!! How to Tag


  • See the section above for the list of existing tags and pick the one you think is most appropriate for the page you are targeting
  • Edit the targeted wiki page
    • Place a wiki link at the top of the target page to the appropriate tag page

      Use the normal syntax for an internal link:  stub, delete or errors
    • Use your tag in a sentence, and add a sentence or two about why you placed the tag
    • Add a box around the text to call attention to it
  • Save edit


^Many users are asking this question in IRC.  Updating this page is an ((urgent)) requirement. Please ((help))^


Many users are asking this question in IRC.  Updating this page is an urgent requirement. Please help


!!!Creating Other Tags

  • Make sure there's not already another tag that you could use (see above),
  • consult the Editorial board,
  • create a wiki page with the name of the tag you want to create, and on that page:
  • edit this current page (Documentation Status) and add a tab for your tag in the chapter above, or add a comment to the page,
  • add an explaination on the purpose of the tag in the new tab/comment,
  • consider adding a section to this page to explain the purpose of the tag.

!!Related Pages

Note: This informal method should not be confused with the Category or Freetags (also known as Folksonomy tags) features in Tikiwiki. 


Alias names of this page:

How to Tag | Status Tags | Tag


!!!Editor notes



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Based on work by Arthur Trossen
Seite zuletzt geändert am Sonntag Oktober 6, 2024 15:11:57 CEST.

Durchschnittliche Lesedauer: 7 Minuten