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  • Multilingual Wiki
  • Blogs and Articles
  • Forums
  • RSS Syndication
  • WYSIWYG Editing
  • Calendars and Events
  • Database Tracking System
  • File and Image Galleries

  • User and Group Management
  • Surveys, Quizzes, and Polls
  • Activity-based Workflow Engine
  • Advanced Multilingual Capabilities
  • Web based forms and database
  • FAQ section
  • Advertisement banner management
  • Mobile

  • Spreadsheets
  • Live support chat
  • User message system
  • Advanced menu management
  • Advance User and Group management
  • Content and feature access control and permission system.
  • Search engine
  • External authentication support (LDAP, OpenID, etc.)


To get you going quickly you can select from a list of profiles. Tiki will then be configured correctly for you to start using it immediately. This will save you a lot of time and also allows you to share the details of successful configurations.
Examples of this powerful profile feature include:

  • Corporate Wiki / Intranet / Extranet
  • Corporate website
  • Knowledge base / Bug tracker
  • Project management
  • Community portal

  • Workflow and specialized web applications
  • Application forms
  • Multilingual collaborative glossary
  • More are being added to this list, in a completely innovative, open and collaborative manner. To read more about this exciting new feature of Tiki visit


Designed to be run easily on readily available web hosting technology. Tiki is built using following technologies, chosen to provide a powerful and proven foundation for the system:

  • PHP
  • MySQL
  • Zend Framework
  • jQuery
  • Smarty


Based on work by Arthur Trossen
Seite zuletzt geändert am Sonntag September 22, 2024 04:21:20 CEST.

Durchschnittliche Lesedauer: 1 Minuten