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Access to premium

What I have done and tested;

  1. Permissions on user tracker, that anonymous user can create a new entry. I do not see a problem, since this doesn't allow to access existing entries.
  2. I disabled "Require passcode to register" on (this was enabled because of Spam. I will test if that still is necessary
  3. I created a new field in user tracker FiledID = 1001 permaname = usersOrderID
  4. I created a field in user tracker FiledID = 1002 permaname = usersProductName and made it mandatory
  5. I added this field to Group or User Tracker Registration Fields on
  6. I reduced the "Group or User Tracker Registration Fields" on to its minimum
  7. After buying Digistore will send a link to containing only information about the product, the orderID, the pre and surname Like
  8. Data transferred as parameters of the link (domain) will be prefilling the fields accordingly
  9. I enabled "Validate user's email server" on to have a little control for e-Mails
  10. I created a page "completed" whwre the process will be finished.


This process is based on what you programmed in regard of Stegskopf access. I tested it and it works
Important is that usersOrderID and usersProductName will be stored. This helps me to identify the kind of payment (abonnement or fixed price and so on). The OrderID allows user to dismiss his contract at digistore. Mor we do not need at the first hit (later of corse it will be better if connection goes via direct data exchange).
If you agree I would use it as a base to later improve and complete the proceddings.
What makes things easier is the decision to only use group Registered in Future that will be equyl to the permissions of Premium group.
This makes selling easier as well.


There must be a so called promocode on the page in order to allow digistore to be connected. The code must be on top like:

Copy to clipboard
<script src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> digistorePromocode( { "product_id": 478428, "adjust_domain": true } ); </script>

Problems and Improvements

  1. abuse of registering can be avaoided as the field "ID=1001" with permaname "usersOrderID" can be only given correctly by digistore. If there is a wrong entry, the user didn't buy the access. Problem: The field is mandatrory. Means one has to fill something. Maybe we nac validate the entry. Then the process of registering will be finsihed before the acess is done. There are only a few rules (or 3 names) that have to be compared.
  2. Giving standard (registered) user the permission of Premium user means there are many users that should be deleted or shifted to another group wit no permissions like anonymous)
  3. There is no e-Mail send this way to verify e-mail address. Not sure if that is needed, because the identity of user was checked via digistore. Maybe we can make sure that only those coming from digistore can access the page Danke. I think this would be enough.